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Nestled in the foothills of the Northern Range on the Arima Old Road, Mausica, Arima West Government Primary School (A.W.G.P.S) first opened its doors on November 2nd 1981.


It commenced with a mixed population of one hundred and fifty students and ten teachers, including a principal. The school was housed in two wooden temporary buildings. Its purpose was to cater for the increasing population of Arima and the surrounding areas, owing to an influx of residents from other parts of the country into the newly developed housing estates of La Horquetta and Maloney. The school's population soon increased to eight hundred and seventeen pupils in 1999, with a staff of thirty- three teachers including a principal and vice-principal.

Arima West Governmnt was finally rebuilt in September, 2009 after many pleas and petitions. Today, the school is housed in a brand new, spacious and ultra-modern building. It has an enrollment of six hundred and fifty-four students, thirty-one teachers including a principal, vice-principal and two heads of department.

The building has a ground and upper floor enclosing a large courtyard.




The ground floor has an administrative wing, which consists of a staff room, a waiting room, a diagnostic room and male and female sickbays. Arima West is blessed with a large auditorium which is often rented to finance school maintenance.


Other important resource rooms include a music room, an audiovisual room, a library, a computer room, a science room, an art and craft room  and toilets. Eight infant classes are housed on the ground floor.


The upper floor consists of reading and mathematics rooms and seventeen classrooms from Std. one to five. However, to cater to the increasing school population in Arima, the Reading and Mathematics rooms have been converted into three classrooms, bringing to twenty, the number of classrooms on the upper floor.


Many of our students reside in areas in the immediate vicinity of the school. These areas are Cleaver Road, Olton Road, Sherwood Park, Mausica Village and Thomasos Terrace. However, a few of the students live at Pinto Rd., Demerara Rd and Wallerfield in the East. 

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