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Co-curricular activities are activities which supplement and complement the curricular  or main syllabi. These are important to educational institutions in developing students’ personalities as well as strengthening classroom learning.













They facilitate  intellectual, emotional, social, moral and aesthetic development of various domains of the mind and personality. Creativity, Enthusiasm, and Energetic, Positive thinking are some of the facets of personality development and the outcomes of Extracurricular activities. These activities are organized after the school hours and cater to the cultural, social, aesthetic development children.


Some of the co curricular activities engaged in by our ctudents are:

  • Lawn Tennis

  • Football

  • Cricket

  • Music 

  • 4H

  • Gymnastics

  • Martial Arts




Importance and Benefits of Co-curricular Activities


  • They stimulate playing, acting, singing, recitation, speaking and  narrating   in students.

  • Activities like participation in music, drama, etc., help in achieving overall functioning of education.

  • They enable students to communicate more effectively.

  • They help to  create fit and energetic children.

  • They help to develop the spirit of healthy competition.

  • They build leadership skills.

  • They provide the avenues of socialization, self-identification and self-assessment  when the children come in contact with organizers, fellow participants, teachers, people outside the school   during cultural activity.

  • They encourage respect for diversity.

  • They facilitate the development of decision making skills.

  • They develop in students a sense of belongingness.

  • They provide motivation  for learning.

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